Early Prevention Education for Knee Osteoarthritis in Pre-Elderly Through Physiotherapy

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Ika Guslanda Bustam


Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disorder affecting the cartilage, characterized by pain when pressure is applied to the affected joint. Several factors contribute to the occurrence of OA, including genetics, advanced age, female gender, and obesity. Additionally, conditions such as physical inactivity, diabetes, and women in the pre-menopause phase can exacerbate OA. To address this, a community service activity was held on July 20, 2024, at SD Muhammadiyah 02 Palembang, with 36 participants from MPKU members, Seberang Ulu 1 Palembang. The activity utilized a lecture method, where the team leader provided education on proper exercise procedures and recommended exercise doses. The exercises introduced included Standing Leg Lifts, Sit and Stand, Kick-Backs, The Calm, Quadriceps Stretch, and Hamstrings Stretch. These exercises aim to strengthen muscles, increase knee joint Range of Motion, and improve stability and balance, thus helping to prevent osteoarthritis genu. Before the education session, participants had an average understanding of OA prevention at 54%, which increased to 78% after the session.

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How to Cite
Bustam IG. Early Prevention Education for Knee Osteoarthritis in Pre-Elderly Through Physiotherapy. khidmah [Internet]. 2024Oct.27 [cited 2025Feb.16];6(2):179-90. Available from: https://khidmah.ikestmp.ac.id/index.php/khidmah/article/view/510


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